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All models are available in a variety of different leather qualities and leather colours.
Simply select the model, the type of leather and the colour which is best suited to you. Choosing the JORI leather best suited to you is something which you do with your heart as well as your mind. Use all your senses and pin your colours to the mast. Colours affect our mood and set the ambiance in the house. Common sense will tell you which type of leather is best suited to your lifestyle. For each leather quality has its own character.

Make your choice from our comprehensive offering
Our leather collection takes in a broad range of different leather types as well as different leather colours. All colours have been specifically designed for JORI. View all combinations using our easy-reference leather tool. Compare characteristics and colours, combine to your heart's content. Your JORI dealer will be more than happy to assist you with expert advice. He has a sample book which shows cuts of every type of leather in every available colour. More than anything else, choosing the right kind of leather is a question of touch.